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Underlying causes of wrinkled skin

Underlying causes of wrinkled skin
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What causes your skin to form wrinkles, and what can you do to reduce them?

Wrinkles are lines, creases and folds in the skin. They are part of the natural aging process. Fine lines start to appear as early as age 25, and become more prominent after 65. As people age, their skin changes. Its rate of renewal slows down and its layers become thinner. The skin cells also slow their production of proteins like collagen.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a protein. It gives the skin stretchy, elastic properties so that it can move.

Some people are predisposed by genetics to have wrinkled skin as they age. But there are some environmental and health factors that can make the skin age faster.

Are wrinkles caused by lifestyle choices?

Some lifestyle choices can cause wrinkles to appear earlier in life. For example, people who smoke are more likely to get wrinkles. Some people find that the texture of their skin improves when they quit smoking.

And people who have sun damage on their faces are more likely to get prominent wrinkles. According to a 2013 study, people who use a broad-spectrum sunscreen on a daily basis experience slower skin aging. So, getting into the habit of using sunscreen may protect your skin from deep wrinkles in later life.

Does smiling cause wrinkles?

Wrinkles can be accentuated by facial expressions such as smiling or frowning. Facial expressions are made by contracting small muscles. Creases and wrinkles can form around habitual facial expressions. For example, people who frown a lot may get lines on their forehead or between their eyes.

Relieving stress can reduce the amount of time you spend frowning or scowling, which may reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Does the environment make wrinkles worse?

Exposure to air pollution can make wrinkles worse. Some common air pollutants are known to promote aging and inflammation of skin tissue, which can exacerbate wrinkles, as described in this 2022 study.

Does Botox prevent wrinkles?

Botox is a reversible treatment that improves the appearance of wrinkles. It will not prevent wrinkles and it cannot stop the skin aging. But a Botox treatment can give a more polished appearance, and it can make your face appear fresher and less stressed.

A skilled Botox practitioner can improve the drape of your skin for a smooth, youthful appearance.

A Botox treatment is typically very quick – often less than fifteen minutes. An appointment for Botox is relatively painless and you can return to your normal activities the same day. The results of your Botox injections will start to show within a few days, and they will take full effect within two to three weeks.

The effects of Botox last for three to four months, and then you will need another appointment. To find out more about what to expect after your Botox appointment, see our post.

Where can I get a Botox treatment?

One of the best places for Botox in Calgary and other cities in Canada is Canadian Travel Clinics. Our experienced practitioners can answer all your questions about Botox, ensuring you have all the information you need for your appointment. To make an appointment at your nearest Botox clinic, go to our clinics page and find your city.